Small Grain, 2WD, Duals, Chopper, Yield Monitor, Active Yield Harvest Mobile Advisor Package, Premium Cab, Premium Leather Seat with Swivel, LED Lighting Package & Header Extremity Lights, Premium Radio, Generation 4 Command Center, 10 in. Color Display with Extended Monitor, 4600 Processor Star Fire 6000 Receiver, SF1CommandCenter Premium, Activation Harvest Mobile, Ready Combine Advisor, Package Active Yield PLUS Moisture and Yield Sensors, Pro Drive Transmission with Harvest Smart Feed rate Control, 2-Wheel Drive Small, Wire Concave Dyna-Flo, Plus Cleaning. Shoe General Purpose, Dual Adjust Chaffer and Sieve with Touch Set (Electric Shoe Adjust). Variable Stream Rotor Configuration, Wear Grain Handling System Power, Folding Grain Tank Covers 28.5 Ft. (8.7M), In-cab operator controlled, Advanced Power Cast powered tailboard with wind compensation, Final Tier 4 Certified Engine, Camera Ready Grain Tank, Mirror Adjustable Front Chaffer Louvers, Engine Coolant Heater 110 Volt.
Separator Hours1042
Combine TypeSmall Grain
OptionsYield Monitor
OptionsContour Master (Lateral Tilt Feederhouse)
OptionsActive Yield
OptionsHarvest Mobile
OptionsAdvisor Package
OptionsPowercast Tailboard
OptionsPower Folding Bin Extension
Catigorized UnderCombines
({{productPriceUSD}} USD)