An innovative self-loading 3-point-linkage mounted trough feeder.
With a fully adjustable hydraulic extension, the Unrolla LM105T is ideal for feeding out into troughs, feed bunks, over fences, or onto feedpads. It is also commonly used for processing hemp or rebaling rotary straw and other loose or soft bales. The extension raises for transport, making the unit narrow enough to easily fit through gateways and comply with road width regulations.
LOW-MAINTENANCE BEARINGS Equipped with our proven, greasable, selfaligning bearings with trash shields, which will easily outlast any type of bushing system. SUPERIOR DUAL LOCK Dual latch system for superior rigidity and safety with locking device. MAXIMUM REACH Large extension for maximum reach allows feeding out into hay baskets/cradles as well as troughs and feedpads. BALE CHAMBER Fully enclosed front and rear bale chamber reduces feed falling out. This also enables you to feed out cornstalks and fine chopped silage. RAISED SIDES The raised side stops feed falling off the elevator and being wasted. This is especially important when feeding out cornstalks and fine chopped silage. ENCLOSED SPROCKETS Our 6 tooth sprockets are made from Bisalloy (the same material a bulldozer blade is made from) so they last forever. With smaller diameter sprockets less torque is required to drive the chains, giving more drive power for tough bales. Designed so it is impossible for chain to jump off the sprocket saves you downtime in the field. The chain runs on a roller at the main elevator pivot, eliminating any further chain wear. TOUGHEST CHAIN Zinc-plated chains which are rated for 12,000lb each consist of heavy-duty rollers and pins which make our chain drive system almost twice as strong as the competition. The greater surface area on each roller pin increases chain life because they can’t stretch or snake. STRONGEST BARS Feedbars are 4-5 times stronger than angle-type bars of same size. Feedbars are bolted to the chain, adding strength. Bars without teeth or with more aggressive teeth are available and can simply be bolted on in a matter of minutes. FULL WIDTH FEET Wide feet provide extra stability when not in use and prevent sinking into wet or muddy ground. POLYETHYLENE FLOOR Fully enclosed extruded polyethylene floor reduces feed waste and it will never corrode. Being polyethylene, it is slippery with 30% less drag compared to steel which makes feeding sticky silage or wet bales easy.