Bale accumulation pattern
Red bales depict where the bales were placed with the Plus2 Round Bale accumulator. Blue bales depict where each of the bales were wrapped and would have been placed with a traditional non-accumulating baler.
- 5.3-ha (13-acre), L–shaped field
- 20 bales
- 74 percent reduction in distance traveled when removing bales from field by accumulating
- 60 percent reduction in time required to move bales to the stack yard
In today’s round baling operation, where the operator finishes wrapping the bale is where the bale is ejected. The John Deere Plus2 Round Bale Accumulator changes that.
The Plus2 Round Bale Accumulator allows the operator to carry up to two bales while making a third. This means that bales can be placed in the most strategic location to get them off of the field as quickly as possible while minimizing wheel traffic. Before producers begin baling with the Plus2 Accumulator, it is important to have a plan. The bales will no longer be randomly scattered. To maximize the Plus2, having predetermined accumulation sites will not only decrease bale removal times but will increase yields for future cuttings.
John Deere provides two very significant values to the producer who utilizes this machine.
The first value of accumulating bales is time reduction when getting the bales off of the field. In another factory-observed trial, an 8.1-ha (20-acre) field was baled with a traditional baler and balert with a Plus2 Accumulator attached. There were 25 bales made with the traditional baler and 26 with the accumulator. Distance traveled to move the bales to a central storage location in the field with the traditional baler was 4,013.6 m (13,168 ft). The accumulated bales only needed 704.1 m (2,310 ft) to get to the same location. That is more than an 80 percent reduction in total distance traveled using a loader tractor hauling two bales at a time.
The second value of accumulating bales is the reduction in wheel traffic and the damage that excessive wheel traffic causes to regrowth. Round bales have the luxury of being able to stay in the field longer than square bales, and there are times when round bales sit in the fields longer than most producers like. Numerous university studies have proven that wheel traffic on regrowing alfalfa from the fifth day it was cut can cause a decrease in yields by 20 percent. The Plus2 Accumulator minimizes unnecessary wheel traffic by allowing the operator to reduce travel when getting the bales off of the field and into storage.
Plus2 also reduces operator fatigue. When baling in hilly conditions, there is no longer a need to leave the windrow and jack knife the baler to prevent the bale from rolling away. Operators can accumulate bales on the cart and dump at the predetermined, flat location. Growers do not have to worry about rolling bales through the fence or into the pond.
In areas where the fields are irrigated, the Plus2 allows the operator to get the bales off of the fields faster so the water can be turned back on sooner. It also reduces unnecessary trips across pivot wheel tracks, terraces, corn rows, and other field obstructions. Accumulating bales with the Plus2 reduces wear and tear on machines like bale stackers, self-loading wagons, and loader tractors.