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The Canola 100 Agri-Prize; Agriculture's Moon Shoot!

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (July 27, 2015) - A complete set of John Deere equipment for the first farmer to crack 100 bushel canola!

Producing bigger crops on the same amount of land is the challenge for ensuring world food security.

North American canola growers who want to meet that challenge now have an extra incentive — a complete John Deere equipment package if they're the first to grow 100 bushels per acre on 50 acres of canola.

Canola 100 is the first of a series of Agri-Prize competitions organized by Agri-Trend and sponsored by John Deere and Glacier FarmMedia. The competition is designed to inspire farmers to pursue innovative methods to grow a safe, reliable and environmentally sustainable food supply to better feed the world.

“Farmers have hit 80 and even 90 bushels”, explains Agri-Trend CEO, Robert Saik “so we believe the 100 bushels per acre is an attainable stretch that will involve farmers paying attention to every detail. This is why we are excited about partnering with John Deere and Glacier FarmMedia to bring this competition to canola growers.”

The contest is open to any non-irrigated farmer growing spring-seeded canola in the canola belt of Canada and the United States. It's open to any type of genetics and farming technology. The first farmer to produce a verified average of 100 bushels per acre on 50 acres of contiguously seeded canola will win a prize package of 100 hours each of a John Deere tractor, air seeder, high-clearance sprayer, windrower and combine.

Canola 100 will run for three crops starting in 2016. If the 100-bushel mark has not been reached by 2018, the highest recorded yield will take the prize.

For official rules (posted September 15th) and details go to www.AGRIPRIZE.com or call 1-877-276-7526.

About Agri-Trend Inc.
Established in 1997, Agri-Trend works to help farmers allocate scarce resources to produce a safe, reliable and profitable food supply in an environmentally sustainable manner. Agri-Trend’s Network of over 250 professional consultants (Agri-Trend Coaches) and Scientists (Senior-Coaches) work directly with farmers throughout Canada and the United States as well as internationally. Agri-Trend is involved in all aspects of crop production from agronomy to precision agriculture, to grain marketing and farm business management including data and carbon credit management through its Agri-Data Solution Platform (ADS). The Agri-Data Solution has been providing on-line (cloud) platform capabilities to farmers since 2001. For more information, visit us at www.AGRI-TREND.com.

AGRI-TREND®, AGRI-DATA®, Agri-PrizeTM, Canola 100TMare trademarks or registered trademarks of Agri-Trend Inc or its affiliates.

For more information please contact:
Rob Hughes
Marketing Manager
Phone: 403-923-7278
E-Mail: [email protected]